About Y-DNA

This was a note to myself to remember a few basic facts about Y-DNA and what the ftdna website was telling me.

Here is their statement:

Men do not just have one Haplogroup. They carry a “trail” of SNPs that are cumulatively passed from fathers to their sons.

Each man has many thousands of SNPs/Variants.

As of 27 March 2024, each FTDNA Big Y-700 included 639,776 Variants for each Kit’s results. (Show All: +; – ;?)

When two Kits verify a Variants existence, the Variant becomes a named SNP.

There are 20 Haplotypes: A through T.

In your example, the Haplotype is “R”.

Haplotype + SNP = Haplogroup.

In your case, you see three Equivalent SNPs in one Box on the Block Tree: FT43614; FT283922; and FTF15721.

The three SNPs formed in 3 separate and distinct Paternal Ancestors in your Tree. The names of the SNPs differ based on when they were first observed.

“BY” SNPs were named when Big Y-500 was the current test in 2029.

“FT” SNPs began in 2020 with the introduction of Big Y-700.

Once the number of “FT” SNPs reached 469,999, the names started over at “FTA”.

When “FTA” SNPs reached 99,999 the naming began again at “FTB”.

And the system continues.

The most recent SNP included in the ISOGG SNP Index is FTG641.

As of the end of March, there were 673,791 Variants/SNPs on the FTDNA Haplotree.

A Comment To Joel Duff

I wrote this to Joel Duff today. He had done a movie review of The Ark and the Darkness.
His review is called My Reaction to The Ark and the Darkness: Background, Themes and Thoughts.
On Maundy Thursday I am too busy to watch his review, perhaps tomorrow.

I said:

“I haven’t looked at the movie review yet. But today some movie fans became overly exuberant and claimed some things that are clearly wrong about how we all descend from Noah. No other humans survived anywhere on earth.

My hobby is genetic genealogy. Just today the ftdna blog announced George Washington’s Y-DNA is R-U152, which originated 4500 YBP (years before present) , ummm…during the flood!

I have low confidence that God faked DNA and high confidence that humans understand human DNA reasonably well. My church people haven’t yet told me what their confidences are or why they have them. All I know is they are affirming faith in God by affirming they believe no other humans survived the flood. They are hitching their faith in God to that wagon. I am going to guess they think they are preserving the truth of Christ. I am puzzled as to why that works. I can only guess what fallacies may be involved.


https://youtu.be/yBMOZavfGiw is the URL of his review.

Why Do Christians Ignore Lexicography?

One sane man explains  YEC, Concordism, and Answers In Genesis  in a nutshell.

Paul A. Miller

As a retired linguist, these types of discussions as to whether the sun is a star remind me of similar examples like whether or not a tomato is a vegetable. As lexicographers would say, a tomato is a CULINARY fruit but it is a BOTANTICAL vegetables. That is, it suits the purposes of chefs to include the tomato among the vegetables even while it suits the purposes of botanists to call it a fruit because it is a reproductive product containing seeds. Neither is more “correct” than they other, because tomatoes don’t care what humans call them. Accordingly, tomatoes will continue to do what tomatoes do and be what tomatoes are. The labels don’t change them. Indeed, labels and classifications/groupings are about human convenience.

To state another way: Humans have countless labelling systems which involve groupings of similar things. It is a matter of communication and convenience—but naming does NOT somehow control ontology.

Likewise, to an astronomer, the sun is just another star. But to a poet or a painter, the sun is unique in beauty and significance for human experience. It is clearly “set apart” from stars, which are mere pinpoints in the sky. Indeed, that is how the Hebrew language of Genesis reflects its culture: the sun is the greater light and the moon is the less light—and the stars are far less significant. Nothing erroneous about that. It is a matter of perspective.

By the way, Genesis 1 is clearly not meant to be a scientific treatise, so we can’t make dogmatic arguments that it requires a “separate” creation for the sun and moon versus the stars. The main theme of Genesis 1 is “God made everything” and it uses the literary form of that culture and era to declare that message. The Answers in Genesis dogma on Genesis entails all sorts of anachronistic impositions of modern cultural notions (including scientific ones) on a text from an ancient culture.

My Response:
I am not a linguist. But I have never met a Christian who is one. But they often tell you what words mean. Because they KNOW.   Or do they?

David Buddrige says,

I agree (with Reverend Graham) on this point.Genesis isn’t talking about biological life, but rather spiritual life.You can see this by observing that God promised Adam that on the very day he ate of the fruit that he would “die”.The day he ate the fruit, he didn’t (physically) drop dead, but what *did* happen was that he was thrown out of Eden, and lost his friendly relationship with God.Consequently, what “death” *means* in the Bible is to be thrown out of God’s place and out of relationship with God.If “death” means to lose one’s relationship with God, then to be alive means to gain the relationship with God.Therefore when the Genesis creation account says that God breathed the breath of life into Adam, he is describing that moment in history when the biological human creature first became aware of their special relationship with God and the promise of blessing and life with him – if only they would look to God for the definition of good and bad.It is for this reason that Paul could – with a straight face – tell the Ephesians that they were previously “dead”, and had now been made alive in Christ.

Excellent! This is another point where a linguist can tell us how words work.

My take on the subject is the concordists are wrapped around the axel on the topic of death in the world before Adam sinned. But the bible isn’t talking about biological death. it is talking about spiritual death. The concordists actually have a DOCTRINAL DISPUTE with other Christians.

Wowzer Revealed

Girlington Cat’s Sidekick Wowzer.
Wowzer is nicknamed that because he exclaims “Wowzer! Lookit that!”  every time he helps Girlington find a clue.  Together they solve mysteries, do genealogical research,  pursue paleontology,  prowl through attics and act as second-story men,   and get the goods on the crooks.   In spite of appearing to be a mouse Wowzer  actually is a Nisse, and no human  can pronounce his 45 character name. Girlington gave up on pronouncing it long ago and just nicknamed him.

Can Christians Be Wrong?

Brian was bitching about Billy Graham. I objected.

Here is our conversation.


Billy was a man and not right about everything. He was wrong about it not making a difference. The very Gospel he preached depends on it.


Brian Betsworth In what way does Jesus being the propritiation for sin depend on faith that the universe did not exist in 4005 BC?
It is an added criteria that says Jesus’ blood on the cross is not enough but all must instead believe the interpretations of the concordists. It makes no sense. But Billy is correct it doesnt matter because the concordists can still be saved by the blood of Jesus in spite their opinions about concordism. Concordism doesnt save anybody. Concordism is a human fabricated belief developed after 1700 AD.

Brian says to me …


Millions of years (of supposed evolutionism) before Adam would put death, disease destruction before sin, completely removing any need for a savior. I explain it partially in the following video.

My reply to him:

Brian Betsworth,

I think your definition of life and death here is centered around biological life and death whereas the scriptures are talking life as being the spiritual life, the soul. There are at least three separate words for life in the greek scrolls. So I think your teaching on the theology is dead wrong. Justification depends only on the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. What concordists do, and this is just my personal view of concordism, is teach that Christ isn’t enough, instead it takes Christ + Concordism. I reject this latter because to me it not Christianity! Its more like Mormonism. The death that came into the world was the death of the soul just like the life that came into the world with Adam was the soul, made in the image of God. Imago Dei.
So Im stickin’ with Martin Luther and the church leaders who followed in the wake of the apostle Peter.
Not the latter day concordists LDC. ( Latter Day Concordists) a modern theology invented since 1800 AD as far as I can tell.
Ask Ted Davis about that subject.

Regardless, Blessings, even though we disagree.

If the Sun Is Created on Day 4, What Is the Light on Day 1?

If the Sun Is Created on Day 4, What Is the Light on Day 1?







Photo Gallery on Windows 11

Thursday Jan 25, 2024. I’ve been looking for a photo gallery software to organize my photos. It must run on windows and on linux both, and store files in flickr, dropbox, and my openmediavault NAS server, all three. 

I dont want to run a web server on any desktop. 

It looks like digikam meets all these requirements. So, let the experiment begin!

Milestone 1. Downloaded digikam installer and installed. Took 5 minutes to be up and running. 5 more minutes to configure.

Milestone 2. Adding an album. OK, you are supposed to import a bunch of unorganized photos first. Then you can add albums.  Took me 10 minutes of watching a youtube to figure this out. The first youtube demo was terrible and almost useless.

OK, I now know its a viable tool. I’m done for the day. More tomorrow.

Tee hee, a bit late, I found this. https://docs.digikam.org/en/main_window/albums_view.html#creating-a-new-album. Yeah Baby.

A Brit asks about American turmoil.

Someone answered him on why there is such a divide and why America may fall. Atheism.

He says:

The answer is simple really: Change in religion.  The percentage of atheism is now dominant and are actively changing the societal rules to conform to their religion. 

When you have a society originally based on one religion and the religion changes, giant societal upheavals happen. 

USA has embraced perversion in every form.  Truth for one side is utterly irrelevant.  Stealing is omnipresent.  You cannot have a society based on lies, stealing, perversion.  When the old guard hanging on finally admit the old nation based on truth/science is gone and admits that the most dangerous country in the world is the USA as majority have embraced corruption and lies at all levels of society, the quicker the USA can start fixing itself.  Either evangelize and change the majority of people back to our ancestors religion  which was based in speaking truth  and scientific method of analysis, or USA is doomed into a state where the Oligarchs rule.  We have seen this throughout all of history in a multitude of different nations/empires.  Nothing new here.  No one changes until brought down. 

Nancy Pearcy Jan 8 2024

Those who claim to be tolerant of religion often exhibit what is really “patronizing condescension.”

–philosopher Alvin Plantinga

“Ironically, those who pride themselves on being open and tolerant often end up merely practicing a different type of intolerance. They resist the idea that any one religion is true, because that implies the others are false—which they take to be disrespectful.

To them, it seems more respectful to say that all religions are symbolic ways of describing a mystical experience, or giving emotional comfort, or motivating people to be moral, or some such. In other words, in the case of religion, the actual teachings do not matter, only the social and emotional effects.

But is this relativistic view really tolerant? To say that the teachings do not matter is to say that all religions are wrong—because all religions claim that their teachings do matter.

The relativistic view insists that Hindus are wrong; Buddhists are wrong; Muslims, Jews, and Christians are wrong—and that only the postmodern view of religion is right.

As philosopher Alvin Plantinga comments, “I find it hard to see how this attitude is a manifestation of tolerance or intellectual humility: it looks more like patronizing condescension.”

The relativistic view of religion is just as exclusive as the claims of any traditional religion.”

(Saving Leonardo)

What Happens To Old People.